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Digital Marketing in life style

Digital Marketing is Beyond Marketing

How does Digital Marketing impact on the product lifecycle? I define it Beyond Marketing. How does Digital Marketing impact on the product lifecycle? I define it Beyond Marketing. Why? Because Beyond Marketing means that we don’t only do sales, but in digital we do many different...

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Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

Hi guys! I’m back to you with a new important post about Digital Marketing. Today we’re gonna see the differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing. I already know someone could say now. “Sorry, Christian. But why do you compare them as they were different things?...

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The incredible gap between companies and consumers

In the previous post we saw how is important to grab the numbers in Digital Marketing. Because you have to go where your consumers are: this is the point of Marketing. So, what do you think companies are doing? Are they investing in advertising on...

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Digital Marketing means grabbing the numbers

Today I will talk you about numbers, an essential part of Digital Marketing. Why? Because you have to know how the world is changing and what people are doing in your country. If you find out who the customers are, you put the money there. And the...

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